Supporting our Supporters though the Coronavirus COVID-19 Crisis

The Make A Difference Trust has launched the MAD Trust COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Fund specifically to assist people in the Theatre Industry who have supported us in our fundraising:

For people in the theatre industry who have helped this charity on any of our fundraising shows who meet the criteria below, we will look to provide small pockets of financial assistance up to £200 to meet unexpected expenses that will cause hardship. This is available to those who are experiencing hardship due to theatre closures as a direct result of Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.

Criteria to apply:

  • The Crisis Fund will prioritise those who have helped the Make A Difference Trust in their fundraising events including West End Bares, West End Eurovision, A Mad Drag Night, West End Christmas, MAD Cabarets and West End Bares Calendar.
  • The Crisis Fund is designed to support those who are active working members (or recently active working members) within the West End Theatre industry. This can be in any aspect of the industry including Performance, Front of House, Back Stage and Stage Craft.
  • The Crisis Fund is there to support unforeseen emergencies and should only be used when all other avenues have been considered (including, but not limited to: Requesting Mortgage Payment Holidays, Universal Credit). The Fund cannot replace statutory funding.
  • The Crisis Fund is designed to provide support to those industry members who are experiencing unexpected financial distress due to Coronavirus COVID19 and has been asked to self-isolate or their employing theatre has closed due to the Coronavirus or government requirements

If you wish to make an application to this fund, please download and complete the application form:

CLICK HERE for The Make A Difference Hardship Crisis Fund Income Request Form *

then email it back to 

* Please Note:     

• If you need to install the FREE Acrobat Reader DC software that will allow you to easily fill-in this application form and save it, simply go to

• Click on “Download Acrobat Reader” (Do not click on the options for Chrome Extension or the Optional Offers).

• Double click on the downloaded “readerdc_uk_***_install.exe” file to install the free software.  NB you MUST click save or save as to save the details you have entered on the form.

• Once Acrobat Reader is installed you can safely delete the installation file that you downloaded.


If you don’t meet the criteria to apply for help from MAD Trust, there are many other options for support during this crisis:

Click on the virus image above or click here Support for Theatre Professionals during Coronavirus to visit the support page created by SOLT and over 30 other charities and organisations, where there is a wealth of information to help people in the theatre industry.

We would also like to draw your attention to the new initiative announced by Arts Council England. They are making available grants of up to £2,500 per person and have a fund of £20m.
For more information, criteria and application go to:

Financial support for artists, creative practitioners and freelancers | Arts Council England
Artists and creative practitioners will be able to apply for grants of up to £2,500 if they have a track record in publicly funded culture. We understand the impact the Covid-19 crisis is having on all parts of the cultural workforce, so we’re looking to provide £4 million from this £20 million budget for grants to benevolent funds targeted at other cultural workers. More information

If you need help with Universal Credit or advice on Other Theatre Charity Options:

If you are struggling with completing Universal Credit application forms or need to understand other theatre charity support options, please call the office on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday between 10am and 4pm and someone will gladly assist you.